“this is my sweet string” == “dGhpcyBpcyBteSBzd2VldCBzdHJpbmcZ”? Those two are actually equivalent, as proven by Amazon SimpleDB. We started seeing these mysterious strings in our SimpleDB data which is supposed to be a direct upload of SQL data for use Read More
Usability: Degraded
Recently I’ve come across two cases where it appears in the interest of usability, we’ve gone too far and invaded what I thought used to be “boundaries” for UX, and proper accessibility practice. 1. Google Hijacking My Down Arrow Have Read More
Future of King County Metro – get free bus fare!
The new $20 car licensing fee will allegedly save massive cuts in bus service. The free-ride zone is also being axed, but a new perk also popped up as I was reading this article: http://blog.seattlepi.com/transportation/2011/08/23/is-killing-the-ride-free-area-an-attack-on-the-poor/ Metro plans to hand out eight Read More
Human Cookie?: The Blockshopper Scam
This is something that came up not too long after I may or may not have bought a house a while ago. Thought it was worth posting as there are still a large number of frustrated people on the internet. Read More
Yes, ALL CAPS, here is EXACTLY what I want to do: Add new column to google spreadsheet using java api Maybe now that term will be google-able? As with everything handy, it’s impossible to find what you need in the Read More